A. Check-In Time:
Unless otherwise notified and/or confirmed by SQL:
B. Check-Out Time:
Unless otherwise notified and/or confirmed by SQL:
A. Currency: Room rates are calculated in Vietnamese Dong or US Dollars and are subject to applicable service charges & taxes.
B. Payment: Payment can be made in Vietnamese Dong (VND) or in foreign currency converted at the official exchange rate provided by SQL's website or OTAs at the time of payment. SQL accepts payment by Visa card, electronic payment gateway, or bank transfer.
C. Occupancy Regulations:
D. Information to be provided to SQL:
To ensure the best service quality from SQL and for the safety of the Guests, the Guest/Partner needs to provide SQL's reservation department with:
a. A list of all Guests (full name, date of birth, gender, ID card/citizen identification card, passport number, nationality, copy of temporary residence card):
Changes to information: Any changes to the booking information or additional services compared to the original Service Request must be sent to SQL's reservation department and confirmed by the reservation department at least 07 days before the Guest's check-in date. If the change is not confirmed in advance, SQL has the right to take the following measures simultaneously:
2. Check-in procedures:
SQL will send the Guest/Partner information and instructions for self-check-in officially via email and/or through automated messages on OTAs before check-in time (5 hours before, except for other cases agreed upon and approved by SQL in advance).
*By agreeing to purchase and use SQL's services, the Guest agrees to allow SQL to use the Guest's information for statistical, stay management, and marketing purposes. SQL commits not to use/provide the Guest's information to third parties for other purposes except when required by competent state agencies or with the prior consent of the Guest.